

2024-12-31 Ice art.

2024-12-06 Southbound now.

2024-12-06 Squalls off the lake have dumped over 3 feet over a few days.

2024-11-26 Bird nest repurposed by mice using milkweed seed fluff

2024-11-07 Life on the underside


2024-10-31 Garter snake grabs some late sun

2024-10-28 But mama I don’t want to leave. You must, it’s in your job description, you’re one of many leaves.

2024-07-30 Great blue heron on her daily fishing trip.

2024-07-08 Barn swallows in situ

2024-07-07 Monarda fistulosa






2024-06-16 Tree swallow fledglings begging for parental feed.


2024-05-31 Barn swallow


2024-05-29 Metamorphosis, terrestrial phase



2024-05-11 Tree swallows feeding over the wetland restoration

2024-05-10 Happy frogday




2024-04-22 Earth Day wisdom from a tree: don’t give up.


2024-04-13 Long eared owl puke.


2024-04-07 Tadpoles coming on!

2024-04-06 Spring beauty

2024-04-05 Spring greens coming on! Yum.



2024-03-10 Timelapse photo post. Up to 137 shots over 280 days.

2024-03-02 Nest site shoppers


2024-02-27 Cloudy creek

2024-02-26 Deer mouse, This is a bird house. Sincerely, The builder

2024-02-23 Wooly bear waking after short winter snooze


2024-02-06 Hickory gall

2024-02-05 Beaver chaw. First sighting this year.

2024-01-30 Snow glued on in stripes today


2024-01-20 Peace pond


2024-01-16 Bibliography: Mental Immunity by Andy Norman 📚Reading to try to understand why our species is so …

2024-01-14 Cedar door to retired farmland now black walnut

2024-01-10 Black cherry, white snow

2024-01-07 Devonian age life forms fossilized in rock dug for wetland restoration


2024-01-04 A wee dusting of snow on the teasel. More like winter today.

2024-01-03 Planted 30 years ago. Gets a washout, but holding soil and healthy.

2024-01-02 Mantsion over looking the old pond. Even ants appreciate tranquility of this place.

2024-01-02 Beetle glyphic. Reads “plant more trees, please”

2024-01-01 More on the south side

2023-12-31 Magic mushrooms

2023-12-31 Trees have socks on for winter.

2023-12-30 Dead rock elm fed dryad saddle fungus, insects then pileated woodpecker

2023-12-30 Moss grows where it finds favourable conditions. One out of four suitable, others off the forest …

2023-12-29 I’m not dead yet. How disease can make way for life.

2023-12-28 Velvet foot.

2023-12-27 Creek and pond one on the wetlands today

2023-12-26 Algae scrubbing agriculture runoff


2023-12-25 Highbush cranberry in white spruce

2023-12-24 Trees in the tree

2023-12-23 Fungi, about to fly

2023-12-22 Tannenbaum in situ

2023-12-21 Solstice fire

2023-12-20 Crunchy walk in the woods. Unusual frost formations.

2023-12-19 Fungus making faces in bitternut hickory

2023-12-18 When I looked closely I discovered I really can see the forest for the tree.

2023-12-17 Not rolling, gathering moss

2023-12-16 Thin ice, pond hockey dreamtime

2023-12-16 Rock in a soft place

2023-12-15 Christmoss tree

2023-12-14 Today’s wetland shot.

2023-12-12 Lens flare on todays wetland restoration timelapse instance

2023-12-12 Polystichum acrostichoides AKA Christmas Fern

2023-12-11 I’ve been watching this tree for 35 years. It thrives despite obvious hardship

2023-12-10 What you see in the forest above the forest floor is just a fraction of what’s going. In the winter …

2023-12-10 Lost in the Woods I want to get lost breathing shared air walking in the lost woods holding on to …

2023-12-09 November 5

2023-12-09 November 2

2023-12-09 November 1 This photo is an instance of a timelapse video under construction. The first issue of the …

2023-12-08 Sitting here today among the woods or is it in the woods? I think it’s both.

2023-12-05 Wetland restoration at SpringRush farm. November 1 snowfall. Project Page